Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lounging with Daddy


Cayden decided he wanted to lay over Alexis, it doesn't look too comfortable.

taking a pretend nap with daddy

Very interested in the tv(all 3)

Visit from Nana and Uncle Justin

Nana brought her little dog Chloe by the other day, Cayden was trying to warm up to her, he isn't too fond of animals at first but soon warms up. On the other hand Alexis loves any animal she comes across!

Giving each other love

Around the house

Last week out neighbor Gracie came over to play for a little while...they love when they get to play with other kids about their age.

Enjoying a snack

Cayden and Alexis building a tower with their blocks,(with a little help from mommy) they love to build things and then demolish it!

Park cont.

Having a blast!!!

Park cont.

They loved the swings

They weren't really sure what to think on this one!

Fun Day at the Park

Josh is already trying to train Cayden to be a firefighter!

Look at that face, that is too funny...