Saturday, April 25, 2009

Kate Gosselin!

On 4-24-09 we attended the Southern Women's Show in Raleigh. The main highlight of the day besides shopping was getting to see Kate Gosselin from Jon & Kate plus 8, I had been looking forward to this day for weeks. I am a huge fan of hers and the show. Unfortunately, the sound wasn't too great so it was hard to hear the q&a session with the huge crowd and the twins were alittle fussy due to no nap, so I just listened and watched for a little while and then went onto shopping. Although things didn't turn out as I had expected, it was still really great to see her in person!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Around the house

Cayden in daddys work boots, they try to walk around the house in all of our shoes!

Rocking together in the rocking chair, I think they were watching tv together, they do this alot!


Cayden with Uncle Dale

Easter Egg Hunt

Cayden was really into hunting the eggs, I think he enjoyed it much more than Alexis.

Alexis stops for a quick pose!

Hunting for eggs with Granddaddy


Getting ready for the Easter egg hunt

Alexis just wanted to hold all the eggs in her hands!

Looking cute on Easter


Easter baskets

Swinging with Papa