Wednesday, October 7, 2009


After a fun filled day at Hillridge Farms, we headed off to Chuck E Cheese for dinner...they had a blast with all the games, shows and pizza.

Hillridge Farms

Cayden wanted to kick all the pumpkins I guess he thought they were balls.

Field of pumpkins

As soon as we got off the hayride they went charging into the field of pumpkins...

Entertained by hay

Family pic. on the train ride

The big slide at the farm, they rode this thing like 4 times

Like a sandbox they had this huge pen filled with corn, it was nice but felt weird!

Feeding the goats corn

This is the cutest pic I think I have of them, they look like a little old couple

Making their way thru the maze


Alexis sporting her new dance outfit

Reading with great papa pope

Around the house

Alexis and her ariel....

isn't that cute...

Alexis starting young, reading some babywise material!

Cayden trying to pose but he wouldn't keep his eyes open

She loves her purses and high heels

Watching tv together

They recently got a jr. quad vehicle and love it, they go up and down the driveway constantly.

Caswell-Labor Day Weekend

Quick break from the water for a snack and some juice

Alexis was telling Josh that Ariel lives in the ocean... Ariel is her favorite character!

She enjoyed jumping the waves with Josh more than Cayden did